Defending in last year's edition was a nightmare, and many plays ended with cuts inside the box, wide shots, Fifa 16 Coins or actual goals, because it was just too difficult to take the ball.
All the defensive systems have been refurbished in FIFA 16, and defending is again a satisfactory and effective task. Players position themselves better, have greater reach when tackling, anticipate more effectively, and can even simulate a tackle.Defensive actions have improved a lot, not only in terms of controls, but also due to team behavior.
This is where the FIFA 16 demo gets dicey.EA Sports always promise to improve the AI, and yet it still feels like little has changed. I played with 4 different teams in the demo and, Cheap Fifa 16 Coins to be hones, with the exception of Real Madrid, I don't think I really changed my strategy as much. It was just pass, pass, pass and, when open, shoot.